Advisory board

Dr. Marguerite Theophil

Dr. Marguerite Theophil, Ph.D., lives in Mumbai, with her husband HomayunTaba, three old trees and many plants and birds. She loves with equal passion staying right there and working on her writing, as well as traveling the world, and manages to do both. While previously working as an airline stewardess, she also worked on and received her Ph.D. in Philosophy, in the field of Sacred Architecture. Currently as co-director of ORIENTATIONS she works as an organizational consultant with businesses and educational institutions. She is a story-lover, and conducts workshops on Storywork&Healing,and also works one-on-one with clients as a Personal growth Coach.
She founded WEAVE: Woman Earth And Vital Encounter, a place to explore a lived spirituality, particularly within the multi-religious environment of India, and to study the influence of story, symbols, sacred space, myth, dream and image in our lives and writes about these when she can make the time.